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UL 498E-2020 pdf free download

UL 498E-2020 pdf free download.Attachment Plugs, Cord Connectors and Receptacles — Enclosure Types for Environmental Protection.
10.4 For an attachment plug or cord connector with an environmental enclosure rating, the installation instructions or smallest unit container of the device shall be marked “Enclosure Type ________ When Mated With ________,“ or the equivalent, where the first blank is to be filled in with the type designation and the second blank is to be filled in with the identification of the line of mating devices intended to be used with the device in order for that device to comply with the environmental enclosure requirements corresponding to that type designation.
10.5 For a receptacle or inlet with an environmental enclosure rating, the installation instructions or smallest unit container of the device shall be marked “Enclosure Type ________ When Mated With ________ and Installed With ________,“ or the equivalent, where the first and second blanks are to be filled in as indicated in 10.4, and the third blank is to be filled in with the identification of any necessary outlet box or cabinet, conduit, or cord fitting, sealing material, preparatory or finishing actions, and any similar information concerning the installation of the device into the overall endosure, in order for that device to comply with the environmental enclosure requirements corresponding to that type designation.
10.6 A receptacle with an integral outlet box cover is able to be marked “Wet Location,”“Damp Location,” or “Wet Location Only When Cover Closed” when the cover complies with 62.
10.7 A Type 6 or 6P disconnectable device that can be disconnected from its intended mating device without the use of a tool after the devices have been installed as intended, fully connected, and submerged shall be marked, “CAUTION” and the following or the equivalent; “Risk of Shocic, Do not disconnect while connectors are submerged.”
10.8 When the acceptability of the environmental enclosure rating of a receptacle or inlet is dependent upon a particular mounting orientation, the enclosure shall be marked to indicate the required orientation.
Exception No. 1: The enclosure is not required to be marked when the installation instructions or smallest unit container of the receptacle or inlet indicates the required orientation.
Exception No. 2: The enclosure of a Type 2 or 3R receptacle or inlet dependent upon the particular mounting orientation of a specific Type 2 or 3R outlet box, or other portion of the environmental enclosure which includes a means for connection to a conduit, raceway. or other wiring system is not required to be marked when the outlet box, cabinet, junction box, or other portion of the environmental enclosure bears its own orientation marking and is specifically identified in the installation instructions or smallest unit container of the receptacle or inlet.UL 498E-2020 pdf free download.

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