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UL 510A-2020 pdf free download

UL 510A-2020 pdf free download.Component Tapes.
17.5 While supporting a weight that exerts 11.1 N (1.13 kgf or 2.5 lbf), a strip of tape is to be held vertically with the upper end of the tape held against the insulated wire just adjacent to the splice. Initially, the major axis of the splice is to be located approximately horizontally, and the tape is to be caused to wrap around the wire and splice by rotating the splice around its major axis. The major axis of the splice is to then be tilted from the horizontal so that each turn of the tape overlaps the preceding turn by half of the width of the tape. After the bared conductors and approximately one tape width of the wire insulation have been completely wrapped in this manner, a second wrapping is to be similarly applied, with the direction of advance of the turns of the tape reversed from that of the first wrapping. Finally, a third wrapping of tape is to be similarly applied with the direction of advance opposite to that of the second wrapping. Thus, six thicknesses of tape are to result at each point along the splice.
17.6 The insulated splices shall be placed in a full-draft circulating-air oven as noted in 17.1. After 24 hours, two of the splices are to be removed from the oven, cooled in still air at a room temperature of 23.0 ±5°C (73.4 ±9°F) for 16 to 96 hours, and subjected to flexing as described in 17.7. If the tape observes any of the items indicated in 17.1, the test shall be terminated and the 7 or 60 day specimens shall be removed from the oven and discarded. If the tape does not observe any of the items under 17.1, the two remaining specimens shall stay in the oven for a total of 7 or 60 days, and then removed from the oven, flexed, and examined.
17.7 The flexing is to be performed by holding the wire of the assembly approximately 25 mm (1 inch) to the left of the splice firmly against a mandrel consisting of a solid steel rod with a diameter of 13 mm (0.5 inch) and is rigidly supported at one end with its longitudinal axis horizontal. The end of the assembly, which includes the splice, is to then be wrapped tightly around the mandrel in a clockwise direction until approximately 25 mm (1 inch) of the wire to the right of the splice is wrapped around the mandrel. The direction of wrap is to then be reversed and continued in the counterclockwise direction until approximately 25 mm (1 inch) of the wire to the right of the splice is wrapped around the mandrel. Five clockwise operations and five counterclockwise operations, followed by a clockwise unwrap is to complete the flexing procedure. Each operation is to be conducted at a uniform rate such that the flexing procedure is completed in 15 to 25 seconds. After flexing, the tape is to be examined for cracking or other damage. In addition, upon examination, the conductor shall show no corrosion or other adverse effects from the tape after removal of the tape from the splices.
18 Physical Properties — Elongation
18.1 Non-rubber tapes
18.1.1 The elongation for non-rubber tape constructions excluding fiber, paper, glass, polymer films with reinforcement or fabric tapes shall be evaluated in accordance with ASTM 01000.
18.1.2 Sample sets of five specimens shall be tested after each of the following conditions:
a) As-received; and.UL 510A-2020 pdf free download.

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