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UL 60079-6-2020 pdf free download

UL 60079-6-2020 pdf free download.EXplosive atmospheres-Part 6 Equipment protection by liquid ImmersIon “o”.
4.8.2 Maximum Surface Temperature
The temperature at the free surface of the protective liquid or at any point on the surface of the electrical equipment to which an explosive gas atmosphere has access shall not exceed the limit for the assigned temperature class or assigned maximum surface temperature. In no case shall the limit exceed 200 C.
4.8.3 Flashpoint of the protective liquid
The stated minimum flash-point (closed cup) for the protective liquid used shall be at least 25 K greater than the temperature at the free surface of the protective liquid and the temperature of the internal components immersed in the liquid.
4.9 Field wiring connections to liquid immersion equipment
Liquid immersion is not an accepted type of protection for field wiring connections. Bushings shall be used
for connections through the wall of the equipment. Direct entry is not permitted. The field wiring connections shall be protected with a type of protection suitable for the application.
4.10 Constructional elements of enclosures
4.10.1 Operating rods, shafts etc.
If the enclosure contains operating rods, shafts etc. it shall comply with the tests of 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 if a sealed enclosure and 61.3 if an unsealed enclosure. The tests shall be carried out with such elements in place. Operating rods or shafts used in a sealed enclosure shall be subject to a conditioning of 500 operations prior to the tests of 6.1.1 and 6.1.2
4.10.2 Devices for draining of liquid
Devices for draining the liquid shall be secured against inadvertent removal.
5 Protective Liquid
5.1 Protective liquid specification
The protective liquid shall be a mineral oil conforming to IEC 60296, a silicone liquid conforming to IEC 60836, a synthetic organic ester liquid (Type TI) conforming to IEC 61099, or shall be a liquid conforming to the requirements of 52.
NOTE The future use of natural ester hqulds per IEC 62770 is under consderaton.UL 60079-6-2020 pdf free download.

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