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UL 62368-1-2019 pdf free download

UL 62368-1-2019 pdf free download.Audio / Video , Information and Communication Technology Equipment-Part 1 : Safety Requirements.
The equipment shall be connected to its rated supply voltage and operated under normal operating conditions as specified in Clause 8.2. An electric frying pan shall be used as an external heat source for this test. The frying pan shall be rated at least 1 200 W; have a cooking surface of 800 — 1 000 cm2 and have the cooking surface area located 5 — 7 cm above the simulated countertop surface. The thermostatic control of the frying pan shall be bypassed and a thermocouple shall be placed in the center of the cooking area of the frying pan. The frying pan shall be connected to its rated source of supply and adjusted to produce a temperature of 200 ± 5 °C. After this temperature has stabilized, the frying pan shall be positioned directly below the undercabinet equipment with the back edge of the fry pan spaced a minimum of 25 mm from the back wall of the alcove. If necessary, the frying pan shall be readjusted to maintain a temperature of 200 ± 5 °C. The test shall be continued for 1-112 hours.
DVC.5.2.2 Compliance
Compliance is checked by immediately following conditioning with the 5.4.9 electric strength test while the equipment Is in a well-heated condition, followed by the tests of Annex V. Selection of the probe will depend upon the application.
Annex DVD D2 Add Annex DVD as follows:
DVD.1 System descriptions
A typical centralized d.c. power distribution system (DC mains) in North America is a power distribution system consisting of open batteries, chargerlrectifler circuits, and primary and secondary distribution equipment that is intended to provide power to equipment loads. Systems rated not less than 48 V have one point directly earthed, the exposed conductive parts of the installation being connected to that point by protective earth conductors. Systems rated less than 48 V may have one point directly earthed.
Two types of systems are recognized according to the arrangement of earthed and protective earth (earthing) conductors, as follows:
— source earthed d. c. power systems, in which the connection to the earthing electrode is located at the source and separate earthed and protective earth conductors are provided throughout the system. See Fjg!reDVO.i.
— d.c. power system earthed at the equipment location, in which the connection to the earthing electrode is located in the area where the load equipment is to be installed, typically known as the “earthing window.” See Figure DVD.2.UL 62368-1-2019 pdf free download.

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