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UL 66-2020 pdf free download
UL 66-2020 pdf free download.Fixture Wire.
b) Each minimum indicated in Table 20.1 of UL 1581 is absolute. The unrounded average of the two diameter readings is therefore to be compared directly with the minimum indicated as 0.99 x nominal in the table. Where the average diameter is smaller than the minimum in the table, the cross-sectional area of the round solid conductor does not comply as being of the marked AWG size.
6.4.3 Where measured as the means of size verification (see 64.1), the cross-sectional area of a stranded conductor shall not be smaller than the minimum area indicated as 0.98 x nominal for the size in Table 20.1 of UL 1581. The cross-sectional area of a stranded conductor is to be determined as the sum of the areas of its component round strands. However, where the sum of the strand areas does not comply, the conductor area is to be determined by the weight method outlined in conductor Cross-Sectional Area by the Weight Method, Section 210 of UL 1581.
6.5 Continuity
6.5.1 The conductor of a fixture wire shall be continuous throughout the entire length of the finished wire as determined by the Conductor Continuity Test, Section 11.
6.6 Joints
6.6.1 A joint in a solid conductor or in one of the indMdual wires of a stranded conductor shall be smooth and shall not have any sharp projections. A joint shall not be made in a stranded conductor as a whole. A joint in a stranded conductor shall be made by separately joining each individual wire (strand). A joint shall not reduce or increase the diameter of the conductor or the individual wire (strand). Joints in a stranded conductor shall not be any closer together than two lay lengths. A joint made after insulating shall be made prior to further processing and shall be insulated by applying the original or investigated equivalent insulation material by means of a bonded patch or molding. The insulation applied to a joint shall comply with the requirements in this standard.
6.7 Metal coating
6.7.1 Where the insulation adjacent to a copper conductor is of a material that corrodes unprotected I copper in the test described in Copper corrosion, in UL 2556 arid a protective separator is not used, the
solid conductor and each of the individual strands of a stranded conductor shall separately be covered with a coating of tin complying with the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Specification for Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes, ASTM B 33-00, a coating of a tin/lead alloy complying with the Standard Specification for Lead-Coated or Lead-Alloy-Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes, ASTM B 189-95, or a coating of another metal or alloy which shall be investigated. In Type SF-i, SF-2, SFF-1. and SFF-2 silicone-rubber-insulated wires, the solid conductor or each individual strand of a stranded conductor shall be metal-coated as described in this paragraph regardless of whether a separator (not required) is or is not used.UL 66-2020 pdf free download.
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