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UL 67-2018 pdf free download

UL 67-2018 pdf free download.Panelboards.
a) Constructed in accordance with 6.7.4 and designed for use interchangeably either with main- terminal or a single service disconnect only, or
b) Provided with a single service disconnect,
shall be permitted to provide the protection from inadvertent contact in 6.4.2 in a field installable kit when marled in accordance with 34.12.12. See also 34.9.11.
6.5 Branch circuits
6.5.1 A panelboard shall have more than one circuit subdivision. Terminals for a feed-through circuit are considered to be a circuit subdivision.
Exception: An enclosed pane/board having a meter socket may have only one load circuit.
6.5.2 A panelboard that is identified by the manufacturer as a lighting and appliance branch-circuit panelboard shall not have more than 42 nor provision for more than 42 overcurrent-protective devices, other than those In the mains. For the purpose ol this requirement, a 2-pole fuseholder or circuit breaker Is considered to be two overcurrent devices; a 3-pole fuseholder or circuit breaker Is considered to be three overcurrent devices. If a panelboard is not Identified by the manufacturer as a lighting and appliance branch-circuit panelboard the maximum number of circuits is only limited by the design of the panelboard.
6.5.3 For a panelboard that is identified by the manufacturer as a lighting and appliance branch-circuit panelboard, a branch circuit that has a connection to the neutral of a panelboard and that has overcurrent protection of 30 amperes or less in one or more wires is considered to be a lighting or appliance branch circuit. All branch-circuit overcurrent-protective devices rated at 30 amperes or less are considered to be intended for use in lighting and appliance branch circuits unless such devices are clearly identified as not being intended for use with a neutral connection.
6.5.4 With reference to 6.5.2, the boxes of two lighting and appliance branch-circuit panelboards, each of which complies with the limitation of 42 overcurrent devices, may be welded or bolted together under a common trim if:
a) There is not more than one opening through the abutting walls, and
b) This opening is not more than 4 inches (102 mm) in diameter.
The use of a barrier, with or without an opening, to subdivide an enclosure containing more than 42 overcurrent devices is not acceptable.
6.5.5 With reference to 6.5.4. a common enclosure with two complete facing — abutting— walls is also acceptable. Unremoved knockouts in the abutting walls are not considered openings.UL 67-2018 pdf free download.

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