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UL 6A-2019 pdf free download

UL 6A-2019 pdf free download.Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit Aluminum . Red Brass . and Stainless Steel.
6.1.1 After being conditioned at a temperature of 0C (32F) for 60 mm. one specimen of the smallest available trade size of finished tube shall be capable of being bent into a quarter of a circle, using any suitable bending equipment capable of producing elbows with a radius of the curve to the centerline not less than that indicated in CSA C22.1. NOM-001-SEDE, and NFPA 70. The tube shall not develop a crack and a weld shall not open. The test shall be conducted inside the cold chamber or within 15 s of the specimen’s removal from the cold chamber.
6.2 Protective coatings
6.2.1 A protective coating shall be subjected to the assembly, bending. resistance, pull, and fault current tests in accordance with Reference Item No. 4B. Annex . with both set-screw and compression-type couplings.
7 Markings
Advisory Note. In Canada there are two official languages. English and French, and in Mexico the official language is Spanish. Annex 0 provides translations in French and Spanish of the English markings specified in this standard Markings required by this standard may have to be provided in other languages to conform with the language requirements of the country where the product is to be used.
7.1 Each straight length of finished conduit, nipple, elbow, and coupling shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name, the trade name for the product, or both, or other distinctive marking by means of which the organization responsible for the product can readily be identified
7.2 In the United States and Mexico. when the conduit, nipples, or elbows are produced in more than one factory. each finished straight length of conduit. each nipple, and each elbow shall have a distinctive marking by means of which it can be identified as the product of a particular factory. This marking may be in code.
In Canada. this requirement does not apply.UL 6A-2019 pdf free download.

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