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UL 710-2019 pdf free download

UL 710-2019 pdf free download.EXhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment.
APPLIANCE. HEAVY-DUTY — Appliance with an heavy duty rating. Heavy-duty cooking appliances, as defined in the IMC, includes electric under-fired broilers, electric chain (conveyor) broilers, gas under-fired broilers, gas chain (conveyor) broilers, gas open-burner ranges (with or without oven), electric and gas wok ranges, and electric and gas over-fired (upright) broilers and salamanders.
APPLIANCE. EXTRA HEAVY-DUTY – Appliance with an extra heavy duty rating. Extra heavy-duty cooking appliances, as defined in the IMC. includes appliances utilizing solid fuel such as wood. charcoal, briquettes. and mesquite to provide all or part of the heat source for cooking.
5.6 FILTER BLANKS — A solid panel that is used in place of a grease filter to eliminate airflow through a section of hood.
5.7 FITTING – A device intended to provide a liquid tight seal around penetrations
5.8 GREASE FILTER — A removable component of the grease removal system intended to capture grease and direct it to a safe collection point.
5.9 GREASE REMOVAL DEVICE — A product or system of components designed and installed in a Type 1 hood intended to process vapors, gases. and/or air as it is drawn through such device (s) by collecting the airborne grease particles and concentrating them for further action at some future time. leaving the exiting air with a lower amount of combustible matter.
5.10 HOOD — A device designed to capture and contain cooking effluent which includes grease. smoke. steam, heat, and vapor for exhausting through a grease duct. Hood’s are divided between Type I and Type II.
5.11 HOOD — TYPE I — A hood for collecting and removing grease effluents and smoke. The following styles are commonly available:
BACKSHELF OR PROXIMITY HOOD — A wall mounted hood with its front lower lip in low proximity over the appliance (s) and the hood is typically set back from the front edge of the cooking appliance(s).
COMPENSATING HOOD — A Hood having integral (built-in) make-up air supply. The make-up air supply is supplied from one or more of the following short-circuit flow inside the hood, air curtain flow from the bottom of the front face, the rear or side of the hood. or the rear, front, or sides of the cooking equipment.
DOUBLE ISLAND CANOPY HOOD — A hood over back-to-back appliances or appliance lines. The hood is suspended such that it abuts no walls and overhangs both the fronts and the sides of the appliance(s).UL 710-2019 pdf free download.

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