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UL 72-2020 pdf free download

UL 72-2020 pdf free download.Tests for Fire Resistance of Record Protection Equipment.
period of fire exposure and during the cooling period after the fire exposure: without destroying the usabilily of the contents: and without developing conditions indicating disintegration of parts or materials likely to affect the tightness of closure or the insulation.
6.1.2 Class 125 and 150 record protection equipment shall withstand the fire endurance test for the classification period desired by preventing the Interior temperature from exceeding the rated temperature during the period of fire exposure and during the cooling period after the fire exposure, and without developing conditions indicating disintegration of parts or materials likely to affect the tightness of dosure or the insulation. In addition, the interior relative humidity shall not exceed 85 percent for Class 150 equipment and shall not exceed 80 percent for Class 125 equipment during both the fire-exposure period and during the cooling period until the interior temperature has decreased to 120° F (49° C) or a temperature decrease of 4°F (2°C) has occurred if the interior temperature remains at less than 120°F for the duration of the test.
6.1.3 Representative samples of each line of equipment are to be selected for test.
6.1.4 For fire safe, if a given line of equipment differs only in size, and not in such details as wall thickness, hinge construction, latch bolts and number of doors, the largest size is to be selected for test. Intermediate sizes may be selected for test if the line includes a relatively large number of sizes or if the interior dimensions vary from those of the largest unit to result in the reduction of the volume by more than 50 percent.
6.1.5 For file cabinet, if the design incorporates horizontal partitions separating the drawer cavities such that each cavity is a separate insulated interior volume, and if a given line of equipment differs only in number of drawers, the largest size and the maximum drawer size is to be selected for test. For example. 4 drawer size can represent 3, 2, 1 drawer size.
6.1.6 If file cabinets constructed in 6.1.5 are produced in a wide range of sizes in width and depth, or if the interior volume of the Insulated compartment varies from that of the largest insulated compartment to result in the reduction of the volume by more than 50 percent, intermediate sizes are to be selected for test.
6.1.7 Thermocouples shall consist of wires not smaller than 20 AWG (0.52 mm2) and not larger than 18
AWG (0.82 mm2). The thermocouple wire shall comply with the Tolerances on Initial Values of EMF versus
Temperature tables in the Standard Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for
Standardized Thermocouples, ANSIIASTM E230/E230M.
6.2 Thermocouple locations
6.2.1 Thermocouples for monitoring temperatures inside the test sample are to be located in the sample as follows:UL 72-2020 pdf free download.

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