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UL 83-2020 pdf free download

UL 83-2020 pdf free download.Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables.
5.6.1 General
This test shall not be required on insulated conductors that meet the requirements of Clause 5.5.
5.6.2 Acceptance criteria The 90 C rated insulation of the individual conductors without covenng shall have insulation resistance in air at 97 ±1’C that is not less than specified in Table 25 at any time during an extended period in an acceptable full-draft circulating-air oven. The period in the oven shall be 12 weeks or more, if the insulation resistance throughout the last 6 weeks of the initial 12-week period in the oven is greater than 3 GUm (10 MO 1000 ft). The period in the oven shall be at least 24 weeks and no more than 36 weeks, unless requested by the manufacturer if the insulation resistance is less than 3 GO-rn (10 MO-bOO ft) at any point during the last 6 weeks of the initial 12-week period in the oven, but equals or exceeds the value specified in Table 25. An a-c voltage equal to the voltage rating of the wire (600 V mis) shall be applied to the insulated conductor at all times other than while measuring the insulation resistance. In the case of nylon-jacketed wires, the nylon shall be removed prior to testing. These tests are accelerated tests. The values in Table 25 apply only to conductor types with the corresponding insulation thicknesses specified in this Standard. The insulation resistance shall be measured between the conductor and an electrode consisting of either graphite powder, a snug-fitting close-weave copper braid of minimum 90 percent coverage applied over the insulation, or other equivalent means. The maximum weekly decrease in insulation resistance as determined in Clause shall not be more than 4 percent if the insulation resistance throughout the last 6 weeks of the period in the oven is 3 GO-rn (10 MO-bOO ft) or more, and shall not be more than 2 percent if the insulation resistance at any point during the last 6 weeks of the initial 12-week period in the oven is less than 3 GO-rn (10 MO-bOO ft). but more than the values specified in Table 25. If the results of the test do not meet either of these criteria. but are more than the values specified in Table 25. the period of immersion may be extended by one week intervals at the request of the manufacturer, subject to the minimum test period established in ,.53. If the insulation resistance faIls below the values specified in Table 25, the test shall be discontinued and considered a failure.
5.6.2 4 The maximum weekly decrease in insulation resistance shall be calculated as the slope of a least squares best fit straight line curve drawn through a three-week moving average of the last six weeks of raw test data. Each three-week moving average data point for the least squares best fit straight line curve shall be calculated as the average of the raw data for the current week and the previous two weeks (for example. the week 12 data point would be the average of the weeks 10. 11 and 12 raw data values). Compliance with — shall be determined in accordance with the test, Long-term insulation resistance (Method 2). in UL 2556. CSA C22.2 No. 2556. or NMX-J-556-ANCE.UL 83-2020 pdf free download.

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