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UL 869A-2020 pdf free download

UL 869A-2020 pdf free download.Reference Standard for Service Equipment.
9.2 For other than a high-impedance grounded neutral system as covered in 9.3, in equipment intended and marked for use on alternating-current circuits only, the grounded service conductor terminal or terminals may be mounted directly on or otherwise in permanent electrical connection with the enclosure and shall be marked as specified in 14.1.3. A main bonding jumper shall comply with the values in Tab’e 9.1 and shall be located on the supply side of the grounded service conductor disconnect. If the main bonding jumper is removable, but is connected at the factory to the grounded service conductor terminal and to the enclosure, the equipment shall be marked as specified in 14.1.3. Equipment containing a removable main bonding jumper that is not factory connected between the grounded service conductor and enclosure shall be marked as specified in 142.1 or 14,2.2.
9.3 Equipment intended for service equipment use may be provided with a high-impedance grounded neutral system if provided for in the requirements for the end product.
9.4 Equipment intended for use as service equipment shall have provision for connection of a grounding electrode conductor sized in accordance with Table 9.1 as specified in 4 and 4.5 — 4L8.
9.5 With respect to 4.4(c), the equipment shall have a terminal for a grounded service conductor even though there is no provision fr a load conductor to be connected to the grounded service conductor. If there is no provision for such a load conductor, the grounded service conductor terminal shall
a) Accommodate a conductor of the same size as the main bonding jumper shown in Table 9.1,
b) Be bonded to the enclosure, and
c) Be directly connected to the grounding electrode conductor terminal.
Exception: The terminal may be omitted if the equipment is marked as specified in 14.7.4.
10 Spacings
10.1 Other than as covered in 10.2 — 10.5, the spacings in equipment used as service equipment shall.UL 869A-2020 pdf free download.

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