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UL 8754-2018 pdf free download

UL 8754-2018 pdf free download.UL 8754 Holders . Bases and Connectors for Solid-State ( LED ) Light Engines and Arrays. The lampholder shall be tested by means of a 500 VA or larger capacity transformer whose output voltage is essentially sinusoidal and can be varied. The applied potential shall be increased from zero until the required test level is reached and shall be held at that level for 1 mm. The increase in the applied potential shall be at a uniform rate that is as rapid as is consistent with its value being correctly indicated by a voltmeter.
5.11 Security of leads test
5.11 1 When tested as described in 5.11.3. the lampholder connection means shall withstand the test force without disconnection, damage. or permanent deformation to any part of the lampholder or leads.
5.11.2 For lampholciers employing terminals, leads of the intended size arid type shall be installed. For terminals intended to accept more than one combination of wire size or type. each size and type shall be evaluated using separate lampholder samples.
5.11.3 The test force specified in Table 5 shall be applied to each lampholder lead for 1 mm. in turn, in the direction that places the most stress on the connection means
5.12 Dimensional conformity test
5.12.1 For defined-fit systems that require the use of mechanical gauges to verity dimensional conformance, the lamptiolders shall comply with all applicable gauges.
6 Ratings
6.1 A lampholder electrical rating shall consist of its voltage and current rating. with a VA rating being optional. The voltage rating shall be specified as AC or DC, unless evaluated for both The current rating shall be provided in increments of 50 mA.
6.2 A lampholder that is a limited application device (LAD) shall be rated 8A or less; and either 3OVac or less, 6OVdc or less, or both
Exception: A limited application device (LAD) that is solely used to provide mechanical support (contains no electrical contacts) shall have no electrical ratings.
6.3 A lampholder that has thermoplastic materials rated greater than the relative thermal index fRTI) as specified in 4.2.4 arid complying with the Mold Stress-Relief Distortion Test of CSA C22.2 No. 43! UL 496 may be plainly and permanently marked in the form “HT#’, where ti equals the temperature rating in increments of bC (1SF).
Exception. The ‘HT’ prefix shall not be used for a limited application device employing thermoplastic materials that have an RTI of less than 9OC (194 F).UL 8754-2018 pdf free download.

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