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UL 92-2020 pdf free download

UL 92-2020 pdf free download.Fire Extinguisher , Booster , and Noncollapsible Standpipe Hose and Hose Assemblies.
16.2.2 The hydrostatic apparatus for this test Is to be the same as that specified in 811.
16.3 Method
16.3.1 An 18 inch (457 mm) coupled length of hose is to be immersed in distilled or deionized water at a temperature of 90 ±2°C (194 ±3.6°F) for 168 ±112 hours. After the exposure, the sample is to be allowed to cool for at least 4 hours. While lying straight and placed in an enclosure of sufficient strength to protect the operator, the sample is to be subjected to the Straight Bursting Test specified in Methods of Testing Rubber Hose. ASTM D380-1994, and the burst strength is to be recorded. For comparative purposes, a sample of hose that has not been subjected to the water immersion is to be subjected to the Straight Bursting Test within an hour of testing the exposed sample.
17 Ozone Exposure Test
17.1 General
17.1.1 The rubber cover of a hose shall show no visible signs of cracking when stressed and exposed for
70 hours to an atmosphere having an ozone partial pressure of 100 tiC mPa at a temperature of 40°C
(104°F) as described in 17.2.1 and 17.3.1.
17.2 Apparatus
17.2.1 The ozone test chamber for this test is to comply with the requirements specified in Test Method for Rubber Deterioration — Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber (Flat Specimens), ASTM D1149-91. The sample holder is to comply with the requirements specified in Procedure B of Test Method for Rubber Deterioration — Surface Cracking. ASTM 0518-91.
17.3 Method
17.3.1 Three samples 3-3/4 inches (95.3 mm) in length by 1 inch (25.4 mm) in width (or as dose to
1-inch width as possible from small diameter hose) are to be cut longitudinally from the rubber cover of the hose sample and mounted in the sample holder in a Looped position, in accordance with Procedure B of Tests Method for Rubber Deterioration — Surface Cracking, ASTM D518-86. The mounted samples are to be allowed to remain In an ozone-free atmosphere for 24 hours before placing in the ozone test chamber. which Is to be regulated to provide an ozone partial pressure of 100 ±10 mPa and a temperature of 40 ±1°C (104 ±1.8°F). When constant test conditions have been obtained in the ozone test chamber, and after the mounted samples have remained in the ozone-free atmosphere for 24 hours, the mounted samples are to be placed in the test chamber and allowed to remain for 70 hours. After the test exposure, the samples are to be removed from the test chamber and examined with a hand seven-power magnifying glass.UL 92-2020 pdf free download.

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