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UL 9540A-2018 pdf free download

UL 9540A-2018 pdf free download.Test Method for Evaluating Thermal Runaway Fire Propagation in Battery Energy Storage Systems.
A25 Installation level testing A2.5.1 General
A2.5.1.1 There are two options for the installation level testing depending upon the type of fire suppression systems used. Test method 1 effectiveness of sprinklers and Test method 2 – Effectiveness of tire protection plan.
A2.5.1 .2 For either test method used, the test measures gas generation and composition (unless previously measured In a unit level test), maximum heat flux on the target BESS units and wall surfaces, maximum surface temperatures of the walls and modules within the target BESS units; and documents any explosions, deflagrations and flying debris from the BESS under test.
A2.5.2 Test method 1 — Effectiveness of sprinklers
A2.5.2.1 This test is conducted to evaluate overall protection methods for an entire BESS room or area. In particular it can evaluate the sprinkler design density and characteristics of the automatic sprinklers used to provide code mandated protection in the room or area in which the BESS is to be installed. The test can also evaluate the extent of damage that the tire within the BESS produces on an exposed cable tray (flame indicator) positioned over the BESS unit under test.
A2.5.2.2 The test is conducted in a 20 x 20 x 10-ft (6.10 x 6.10 x 3.05-rn) high test room with 4 x 7-ft (1.22 x 2.1 3-rn) high doorway opening, and the room is outfitted with four sprinklers at 1 0-ft (3.05-rn) spacing in the center of the test room. The sprinkler type (K-factor, sprinkler activation temperature) and sprinkler water density shall be specified by the test sponsor. An internal fire condition is created within a single module in the initiating BESS unit and the fire is allowed to proceed as in the module level testing.
A2.5.3 Test method 2 — Effectiveness of tire protection plan
A2.5.3.1 This test is used to evaluate the effectiveness of other fire mitigation methods (e.g.. gaseous agents, water mist systems, combination systems The test also evaluates the extent of flame propagation that the fire within the BESS produces on an exposed cable tray (flame indicator) positioned over the BESS unit under test.
A2.5.3.2 The test is conducted in a 20 x 20 x 10-ft (6.10 x 6.10 x 3.05-rn) high test room with 4 x 7-ft (1.22 x 2.1 3-rn) high doorway opening, and the room is outfitted with the fire protection equipment representative of a planned installation for the tested BESS system. An internal fire condition is created within a single module in the initiating BESS unit and the fire is allowed to proceed as in the module level testing.UL 9540A-2018 pdf free download.

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