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UL 988-2020 pdf free download

UL 988-2020 pdf free download.Humidifiers.
12.1 A portable product shall not overturn when positioned in its most unstable condition, with or without water, and tipped through an angle of 10 degrees from the horizontal.
12.2 The product shall be levelled on a horizontal surface. The side of the product that will result in the most severe test shall be raised until the product is tipped through an angle of 10 degrees. For the test, casters, wheels, and other supporting means shall be positioned so as to result in the least stability. If adjustable feet are provided, they shall be adjusted to the same height. The product shall be blocked to prevent sliding during the test.
13 Strength of Handles
13.1 A handle used to support or carry a product shall withstand a force equal to four times the weight of the product when filled with water without breakage or damage to the handle, its securing means, or that portion of the enclosure to which it is attached, for a period of 1 minute. The load shall be uniformly applied over a 76 mm (3 in) width at the center of the handle, without clamping. The load shall be gradually applied so that the total test load will be reached in 5 — 10 seconds.
13.2 II more than one handle is furnished, the force shall be distributed evenly between the handles so that each handle will carry a load proportional to the load it would carry when the product is lifted by the handles. If the product has more than one handle, but can be carried by only one handle at a time, each handle shall support the entire test load.
14 Strength of Mounting
14.1 The mounting means of a product intended for wall or ceiling mounting shall withstand a force equal to four times the weight of the product without breakage of or damage to the mounting means, its securing means, and that portion of the product to which it is attached. Results shall be acceptable if the product and mounting systems remain in place with no evidence of damage or permanent distortion.
14.2 The product shall be mounted in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions, using the hardware and construction as described. The force — four times the weight of the product, or the product itself plus three times its own weight — shall be applied through a 76 mm (3 in) wide strap at the dimensional center of the product and shall be increased in a 5 — 10 second interval until a load equal to the weight of the product plus three times its weight, but not less than 4.5 kg (10 Ibs). is applied to the mounting system. The load shall be sustained for 1 mm.
14.3 With reference to Clause 14.2, ii no wall constructions are specified, 3/8-inch trade size plaster board (dry wall, gypsum board) on nominal 2 by 4 inch wood studs spaced on 406 mm (16 in) centers shall be used as the support surface. The hardware shall be applied as specified in the instructions, and if not otherwise indicated, the securing screws shall be positioned between the studs and secured into the plasterboard. An adjustable product shall be adjusted to the position that will give the maximum projection from the wall.UL 988-2020 pdf free download.

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