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UL RP-5770-2018 pdf free download

UL RP-5770-2018 pdf free download.Recommended Practice for Evaluating Cables for Use in Repeated Flexing Applications.
2.7 Reports
2.7.1 In addition to the specific reporting requirements for each test, the following should be included as a minimum in all reports:
a) name of test facility;
b) date of report;
C) product description;
d) name of test conducted; and
e) test result.
3 Significance And Use
3.1 Cables subject to repeated flexing applications are subject to numerous different stresses. Testing cables in a repeatable way can provide data for comparing one cable to another. Without repeatable methodology, determining the capabilities of one cable over another is difficult.
3.2 The tests provided are those traditionally used to evaluate a cable for repeated flexing applications. The four main tests for cables used in repeated flexing applications include C-Track, Tick-tock, torsion and serpentine flex. Addition tests that combine two of the motions into one test may be used in cases where the flexing in the actual application takes on a more complex motion. Each of these tests has specific parameters that should be controlled in order to have repeatable results.
3.3 The results found in cables subject to these tests do not necessarily represent the number of cycles a cable may withstand in an actual application.
3.4 The test procedures specify the mechanical and electrical criteria necessary for repeatable and reliable means of determination of the number of cycles a cable could withstand.
3.5 The acceptance criteria or pass/fail criteria can vary. Some or all of the layers of the cable may be evaluated for abrasion or wear. The continuity of the conductors and shields may be defined, or conductor be examined and the number of broken strands be recorded. A requirement that the DC resistance of the conductor may not change by a certain percentage after the cycling has been completed could be an additional method for determining acceptance.UL RP-5770-2018 pdf free download.

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