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AS 1855-2008 pdf free download

AS 1855-2008 pdf free download.Methods for the determination of transverse tensile properties of round steel pipe.
A portion of the trace should be up to 25% of the yield strength may be disregarded where there is the result of rounding of the pipe under initial application of pressure or the compression of trapped air.
1 2.5.2 Proof ,sirengih, non-proportional extension (Ri
Proof strength (non-proportional extension) is determined from a pressure/extension diagram on which a line is drawn parallel to the straight portion of the curve and distant from it by the required non-proportional extension. e.g. 0.2 percent of the gauge length. The point at which the line cuts the curve gives the pressure from which the proof strength shall be calculated.
The required percentage non-proportional extension at which a proof strength is to be determined shall be that stated in the product specification. or as agreed.
NOTE: Pipe manufactured by the ERW process, which is not subject to a mill pressure test will not exhibit a linear portion of the stress strain trace. In such circumstances the slope of elastic line should be determined from the unloading portion of the load extension record (see Appendix B.)
12.5.3 Proof strength. iota! elongation (R1).
Proof strength (total elongation) is determined from the pressure/extension diagram on which a line is drawn parallel to the pressure axis and distant from the intersection of the elastic line and the extension axis by the required total elongation. eg. OS percent. The point at which the line cuts the curve gives the pressure from which the proof stress is calculated. The pressure used to calculate the proof strength may be read direct from the diagram corresponding to the required total extension, provided that any zero error in the extensometer is taken into account. The total elongation at which the proof stress is to he determined shall be that stated in the product specification. or as agreed.
12.5.4 Proof sires.c, rethwed slope (Rj.
Proof stress (reduced slope) is determined from a pressure/extension diagram on which a line is drawn at the stated fraction of the slope at the straight portion of the curve. e.g. 0.5. The point at which this line is tangential to the curve gives the pressure which should be used to calculate the proof stress. The fraction by which the slope is reduced shall be that stated in the product specification, or as agreed.
13.1 Conducting a proving test
A proving test shall be performed by applying pressure within the nominated straining-rate limit up to the pressure corresponding to the specified minimum yield stress determined from the following formula:AS 1855-2008 pdf free download.

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