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AS 4978.1-2006 pdf free download

AS 4978.1-2006 pdf free download.Quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gases in forest projects Part 1: Afforestation and reforestation.
(i) a chronological plan for project activities including initiation and monitoring and reporting (see Clause 2.4.2).
2.4.2 Temporal attributes of the project
The start date of the project activity shall he stared. This shall be the date that establishment activities began on the project site. The expected end date of the project should also be predicted, if applicable (e.g. final harvest year of a multi-rotation reforestation project).
The chronology of anticipated project activities such as planting, thinning, and harvesting shall be stated.
The frequency of monitoring and reporting shall be stated. The actual timing of the reporting period may be determined by program and annual reporting is common.
2.4.3 Physical attributes of the project Proj cc, arec and localion
The location of each project site shall be clearly established, including all spatial data necessary to uniquely identify the area of land that is included in the project.
The project proponent shall produce a map of each project site to clearly delineate the project area and location. The project proponent shall also include referencing appropriate to the local land title registration system for the relevant land parcels. (‘ondilions wiihin ihe projeci area
The project proponent shall describe the land-use on the site(s) at commencement and since the commencement of the project activity. Pre-existing vegetation present within the planted area that does not meet the definition of forest should he identified in accordance with the program requirements. Plan led area
The project proponent shall identify the planted area(s) within the project area. In accordance with the program requirements, where some pre-existing forest is present within the project area, these areas shall be excluded from the planted area and defined as ineligible’ area not to be included in calculations of carbon stock change.
The project proponent shall describe the planted area, including site preparation methods, establishment date, species. stocking rate and productivity measures such as site index or other data that can be used to assess sequestration capacity.
Initial estimation of the planted area may he made prior to establishment: however, the actual planted area shall he confirmed after establishment.AS 4978.1-2006 pdf free download.

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