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AS 4707-2006 pdf free download

AS 4707-2006 pdf free download.Chain of custody for certified wood and forest products.
In order to provide for a credible, third-party independent and operational CoC system for wood or forest products. a number of guiding principles provide the necessary support to the criteria and requirements of such a system. These principles are:
1. CoC certification is a complementary activity to the AFS forest management certification and aims to support continual improvement towards sustainable wood production in Australia. It seeks to assure buyers and consumers that the certified wood or forest products they purchase are the products of well-managed forests and from participating processing/manufacturing companies.
2. The CoC system is used to track wood or forest products to meet the certification needs of all organisations along the certification chain such as forest managers and owners, sawmills. wood-based panel mills, pulp and paper mills, converters. publishers. printers, wholesalers retailers, buyers groups. customers, and the community at large.
3. Accredited, independent, third-party certification bodies will he responsible for the verification and auditing of the performance requirements of the CoC system and as such play an important role in safeguarding its credibility.
4. Organisations in the certification chain are responsible for ensuring the credibility of the CoC system as their day to day business activities will affect the outcomes of the CoC system.
5. Continual improvement is the basis for the AFS forest management certification and it ill be the basis for the (‘oC system so as to ensure that the criteria and requirements are regularly reviewed and revised to incorporate changes that will improve their effectiveness.
The requirements of the CoC system are derived from certain elements of like slandardisation initiatives such as those under the certification schemes of internationally recognised systems of sustainable forest management and from a review of other national and international standards to provide an Australian context for the development of a national CoC system.
2.2 Chain of custody requirements
This section sets out the essential criteria and the performance requirements for an organisation participating in a CoC system and that is seeking certification of that system.AS 4707-2006 pdf free download.

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