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AS 2224.2-2009 pdf free download

AS 2224.2-2009 pdf free download.Medicine measures Part 2 : Plastic.
(b) Dropper Iipe measure The length of the graduation lines on the dropper shall be not less than 0.4 times the circumference of the dropper at the point on the body of the dropper at which they occur.
(c) Plunger operated measure The length of the graduation hues on the plunger operated measure shall be not less than 0.25 times the circumference on the plunger at the point on the body of the plunger at which they occur.
8.1.3 Figures
Graduation lines shall be numbered on one side only in accordance with Figure I and Table I in easily-read, permanently-marked figures not less than 3 mm high which shall bisect the graduation line to which they relate.
8.1.4 Levelling lines
Levelling lines may be marked on the back of the measure diametrically opposite the front scale marks at levels corresponding to the volumes represented by those marks.
8.2 Other marking
In addition to the markings specified in Clause 8.1 each measure shall be clearly and permanently marked (refer Clause 3.3) with the following:
The abbreviation ml. above the graduated scale to indicate the measure is calibrated in millilitres.
9.1 Introduction
Although a measure complying with this Standard is e\pected to satisfy all specifications stated in this Standard, the onus is on the purchaser to indicate which test(s) is/are of particular interest to the user and whether the user wants all test specimens to undergo all tests or whether each test specimen need only undergo one or more type(s) of test.
9.2 Sequence for conducting tests
When it is required that more than one test is to be applied to a single measure or to a selected number of measures, the following shall appk:
(a) New. unused measure(s) shall be tested.
(b) An appropriate sequence of tests shall be followed to avoid the possibility of one test interfering with the performance of the measure in subsequent tests.
The following sequence is recommended to minimize such occurrences:AS 2224.2-2009 pdf free download.

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