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AS 2432-2009 pdf free download

AS 2432-2009 pdf free download.Babies’ dummies.
(d) While the dummy is wet, placc the dummy teat down iii the opening in the horizontally mounted template as shown in Figure 82 so that the malor axis of the shield is aligned with the major axis I-I of the template. and the minor axis of the shield is aligned with the minor axis Il-Il of the template.
NOTE: Figures 114(a), 114(c), 114(e) and B4(g) illustrate examples of the correct orientation of the axes of the shield to the axes of the test template; and Figures 114(b). 114(d). 114(1) and 114(h) illustrate examples of the incorrect orientation of the axes of the shield to the axes of the test template.
(e) Attach the force device to the teat of the dtimmv and gradually apply a force of 9±0.5 N. ensuring that the force is acting along the axis of the teat (see Figure B2). Maintain full force in a direction perpendicular to the template for 10 +1. —0 s.
(0 Observe whether the shield is forced through the opening in the template.
(g) Cut off the teat completely, ensuring no residue is left on the dummy that could influence the free movement of the dummy on the test device.
(h) Completely immerse the dummy for at least 10 s in the welting solution.
(i) While the dummy is wet, place the dummy teat side up in the opening in the horizontally mounted template as shown in Figure 83. so that the major axis of the shield is aligned with the major axis I-I of the template. and the minor axis of the shield is aligned with the minor axis li-li of the template.
(j) Gradually apply a force of 9 ±0.5 N from above the dummy through a rod of slightly larger diameter than the base of the teat, centred on the base of the teat. Ensure that the force is acting only along he axis of the teat (see Figure B3). Maintain full force in a direction perpendicular to the template for 10 +1, —0 s.
(k) Observe whether the shield is forced through the opening in the template.
Report the following:
(a) Whether the shield passed through the opening in the test template during testing, as described in Paragraph 136.
(b) Reference to this test method (i.e. AS 2432, Appendix 11).AS 2432-2009 pdf free download.

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