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AS 2980-2007 pdf free download

AS 2980-2007 pdf free download.Qualification of welders for fusion welding of steels.
5.1.1 Initial qualification
The validity of the welder’s qualification begins from the date of welding of the test piece(s), provided the required testing has been carried out and the test results obtained were acceptable.
Welders, qualified to previous editions of this Standard, or to other qualification Standards (e.g., AS/NZS 3992), may be issued with a qualification test certificate without further testing provided the requirements of Clause 5.1.3 can be satisfied.
5.1.2 Confirmation of the validity
The welder’s qualification test certificate issued is valid for two years, provided the welding supervisor or the responsible personnel of the employer can confirm that the welder has been working within the range of qualification and has been producing welds of an acceptable quality. This shall be confirmed and recorded on the certificate every six months.
5.1.3 Prolo.gatio. of qualification
An examiner/examining body shall, upon request, prolong the validity of the approval on the certificate for a further period of two years, within the range of original approval, provided each of the following conditions are fulfilled:
(a) All records and evidence used to support prolongation are traceable to the welder and identify the qualified WPS(s) that have been used in production.
(b) Evidence used to support prolongation is of a volumetric nature (radiographic testing or ultrasonic testing) or for destructive testing (fracture or bends) made on two welds during the previous six months. Evidence relating to prolongation is retained for a minimum of two years.
(c) The welds satisfy the acceptance levels for imperfections as specified in Clause 4.2.
(d) A welder who has changed employer but has not been provided with the documentation required to satisfy the condition in Item (a) may have his qualification prolonged by a volumetric examination using a qualified WPS of his new employer, provided—
(i) supervision meets the requirements of Clause 3.1;
(ii) the test piece, plate or pipe, complies with CLause 3.2; and
(iii) the welded test piece meets the requirements of Clause 4.3.1.
I Welders who have changed employer within the Life of certificate, or who are employed by labour hire companies, or who are self-employed contractors may fmd it beneficial to have their certificates prolonged by an independent examiner/examining body.AS 2980-2007 pdf free download.

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