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AS 3660.1-2014 pdf free download

AS 3660.1-2014 pdf free download.Termite management Part 1 : New building work.
This Standard is intended for use where subterranean termites pose an economic risk to buildings.
This Standard is intended to be read in conjunction with the requirements of the pesticides registrar and the National Construction Code (NCC).
The following are the normative documents referenced in this Standard:
NOTE: Documents rckrenccd Ibr informative purposes arc Iistcd in the Bibliography.
1604 Specification for preservative treatment
1604.1 Part I: Sawnandroundtimber
2870 Residential slabs and footings
3600 Concrete structures
3660 Termäe management
3660.3 Part 3: Assessment criteria for termite management systems
1604 Specification for preservative treatment (series)
4680 Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on fabricated ferrous articles
NCC National Construction Code
1.4.1 Deflnltlon Breaching
The passing of termites through a hole or gap in a termite management system.
NOTE: Exaniples of breaches include the removal of a section of treated soil from a chemical soil termite management system, or a perforation or a disjunction in a physical management system. Bridging
Termites gaining access to a structure by passing over a termite management system or inspection zone.
NOTE: Termites bridging a termite management system will often construct a shelter tube, which reveals their passage. Chemical
A substance or substances, required to be registered by the pesticides registrar, for use in a
termite management system in accordance with the pesticides registrar’s approved label Chemically treated sheet
A pesticides registrar registered sheet material treated with a chemical.
1.4. 1.5 Grtmular n:cjfrrial
Termite-resistant particles, placed to lorm a termite management system. which includes physical termite management system of mineral granules and pesticides registrar registered chemical termite management systems made of impregnated materials.AS 3660.1-2014 pdf free download.

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