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AS 3818.8-2010 pdf free download

AS 3818.8-2010 pdf free download.Timber-Heavy structural products – Visually graded Part 8 : Stumps and sole plates.
1.4.1 Function
Stumps and sole plates are used to form the supporting foundation for buildings. particularly houses. The) are normally used to support bearers upon shich building frames and floors are based.
The stump is partially buried in a vertical position and sits on the sole plate. Its top end provides support to the building above. The sole plate forms a flat base and hears directly on the earth beneath.
1.4.2 Action
Stumps and sole plates are subjected to—
(a) loads acting directly on the stump;
(b) short-term loads transmitted laterally at the top of the stump and at loser positions due to lateral forces on the building such as wind or earthquake load:
NOTE: Lateral forces may be transmitted to stumps at the top of the stump or by bracing connected near the soil surface.
(C) the efTects of exposure to the environment, such as moisture content change (particularly in the soil) and ultraviolet radiation (near the outside edge of a building):
(d) deterioration of the timber due to insect and fungal attack and soil borne bioorganisms.
NOTE: Factors that may influence the in-service performance of these products are outside the scope of this Standard. Therefore, this Standard does not imply that the described product will achieve a particular service life, as building practices and the espected service life of these products vary throughout Australia.
For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS 3818.1 apply.
1.6.1 General
Species suitable for stumps and sole plates are listed in AS 3818.1.
I Species other than those listed for stumps and sole plates in AS 3818. I ma be graded to this Standard subject to agreement between the purchaser and supplier.AS 3818.8-2010 pdf free download.

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