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AS 3959-2009 pdf free download

AS 3959-2009 pdf free download.Construction of buildings in bushfire – prone areas.
l.5.3A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)
A means of measuring the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact, using increments of radiant heat expressed in kilowatts per metre squared, and the basis for establishing the requirements for construction to improve protection of building elements from attack by bushfire.
1.5.4 llushfire-reslsting timber
Timber that is in solid, laminated or reconstituted form that meets the criteria specified in Appendix F.
1.5.4A Bushflre shutter
A shutter that is constructed and fitted to the exterior of a building in accordance with Clause 3.7, to protect a window or a door from exposure to bushfire attack.
1.5.5 Classified vegetation
Vegetation that has been classified in accordance with Clause 2.2.3.
1.5.6 Combustible
Combustible as determined by AS 1530.1.
1.5.7 flecking
That part of the structure of verandas, decks, steps, ramps and landings that forms the
traft’icable surface of the structure.
I.5. I)oor frame
The frame surrounding and supporting a door where the frame consists of two stiles, a head and sometimes a transom and a sill, and is machined or made from solid stock or with a planted doorstop (see Figure 3.2).
1.5.9 Effective slope
The slope under that classified vegetation which most influences the bushlire attack (see Figure 2.2).
1.5.10 Ember attack
Attack by smouldering or flaming windhornc debris that is capable of entering or accumulating around a building, and that may ignite the building or other combustible materials and debris.
1.5.11 Ember guard
A cover inserted in or over an opening or cavity to prevent the entry of burning embers.
1.5.12 Fire Danger Index (FIN)
The chance of a lire starting, its rate of spread, its intensity and the difficulty of its suppression, according to various combinations of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and both the long- and short-term drought effects.
I F1)l in this Standard refers to the Forest Fire I)anger Index calculated by the McArthur Mk 5 Forest Fire Dangcr Meter using the equations published by Noble. I.R., Bary, G.A.V. and Gill, AM.. 1980 (Ref. 6, Appcndix B).
2 Grassland Fire Danger Index values arc calculated by the McArihur Mk 4 Grassland Fire Danger Meter using (he equations published by Purton. C.M., 1982 (Ref. 17 and Commentary Cl12, Appendix B).
1.5.13 Fire resistance level (FRI)
The nominal grading period, in minutes, that is determined by subjecting a specimen to the standard time temperature curve regime as set out in AS 1 530.4, to specify—
(a) structural adequacy, (h) integrity, and
(c) insulation, which are expressed in that ordcr
NOTl: For example. a building element with an FRL of 120/61)130 will maintain, when tested in
accordance with AS 1530.4—
(a) structural adequacy for a period of 120 mm;
(b) integrity for a period of 60 mm; and
(c) insulation for a period of 30 mm.AS 3959-2009 pdf free download.

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