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AS 4285-2007 pdf free download
AS 4285-2007 pdf free download.Skylights. RL’sisIance to concentrated loads
%rhen tested in accordance with AS 4040.1 the skylight assembly shall withstand a load of
1.1 kN.
The load shall be maintained for not less than I mm. The force shall be sustained and. irrespective of any permanent deformation that may occur, the skylight assembly shall remain substantially in its proper position. An inversion of the dome does not constitute a failure as long as the dome has withstood the load. A minor crack may develop propagating from the corner of the skylight to the shoulder but as long as it does not propagate onto the shoulder and the load is sustained during this test and the wind pressure test it shall not be deemed a failure. An cracking of the product such that a dome separates into two or more pieces shall he deemed a failure. Resistance to wind pressures for non—crc/one regions’
The skylight assembly shall be subjected to the test pressure for strength limit state for non- cyclone regions, as specified in accordance with AS 4040.2. The pressure shall be sustained and all parts of the skylight assembly shall remain substantially in position. notwithstanding any permanent distortion that might occur in the skylight and fastenings. If fracture or hardware or fixing release occurs such that one or more corners of the top assembly loses support the test shall be deemed a failure. Resistanec’ to wind press ure.s for CVC!OnL’ regions
For skylights intended for installation in cyclone regions. when subjected to the sequence of fatigue loading as specified in AS 4040.3 the skylight assembly shall remain substantially in position, notwithstanding any permanent distortion, fracture or damage that might occur in the skylight and fastenings. If fracture or hardware or fixing release occurs such that one or more corners of the top assembly loses support the test shall be deemed a failure. Walerlighiness
When tested in accordance with AS 4046.9. there shall he no persistent dripping or streaming of water from any part of the skylight assembly, including ilashings, For a vented skylight the presence of mist shall not constitute a failure. Where mist forming on the dome recombines to form drops it shall not constitute failure: however, any spitting into the shatl area shall be regarded as failure.
The requirements of AS 4046.9 apply except for the following:
(a) [he skylight is to be mounted into a continuous flat sheet metal cladding with a cutout to suit the size of the skylight.
(b) The skylight shall he tested in the maximum and minimum pitches as specified or if not specified at 27°.AS 4285-2007 pdf free download.
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