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AS 4349.3-2010 pdf free download

AS 4349.3-2010 pdf free download.Inspection of buildings Part 3 : Timber pest inspections.
4.2.4 Observations
Vhere timber pests are detected the report shall include the location and identification of the pest. Where termite activity is detected, the report shall include the genus and. where possible and relevant, the species oflermite involved. The report shall describe evidence of termite attack. for example shelter tubes, and any evidence of past timber pest treatment.
The report shall record the presence of damage apparently due to timber pests. whether or not the inspector considers the pests to be active at the time of inspection.
The report shall identify any observed deficiencies in barrier integrity. Examples include bridging or breaching of physical harriers and observable interference with continuity of chemical harriers.
The report shall include records of elevated moisture content that could indicate the presence of timber pests and the basis of such determination of the moisture content, and of moisture problems on the property that could increase the likelihood of pest infestation.
Where the inspector has based conclusions from the inspection wholly or in part on the application of specialist techniques or proprietary equipment the report shall include a description of the technique or equipment used, the brand and model of equipment used where applicable, and sufficient record of observations to demonstrate the basis for the conclusions reached.
4.2. Safety hatards
The report shall record major safety hazards which result directly from the activity of timber pests and which are present and observed during the course of the inspection. Examples of safety hazards include balustrades made unsafe by timber decay and the imminent collapse of a structural member.
4.2.6 Recommendations
Where the inspector has formed the opinion that further inspection is warranted the report shall include suitable recommendations. Examples of such recommendations may include provision of access to allow inspection of an inaccessible area. invasive inspection where infestation is suspected and inspection h a building inspector or engineer where serious damage is present.
The report shall include recommendations for the frequency of future inspections.
4.2.7 Conclusions
The report shall include the findings of the inspector derived from the observations at the property. AS 4349.3-2010 pdf free download.

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