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AS 4670-2006 pdf free download

AS 4670-2006 pdf free download.Commercial propane and commercial butane for heating purposes.
3.2 Comnicrcial propane
A hydrocarbon product composed predoiniiiantly of propane and/or propenc: the remaining part may consist mainly of ethane and/or ethene and butane and/or butene isomers.
NOTE: Propenc is commonly called propylene.
Attention is drawn to the risk of fire and explosion when handling commercial propane or commercial butane, and to the hazard to health which arises through inhalation of excessive amounts of commercial propane or commercial butane.
Commercial propane or commercial butane are highly volatile hydrocarbon liquids which are normally stored under pressure. If the pressure is released, large volumes of gas will be produced which form flammable mixtures with air typically over the range 2% (V/V to 10% (V/I”). The procedures described in this Standard involve the sampling, handling and testing of commercial propane or commercial butane. All such procedures should he conducted away from sources of ignition such as naked flames, unprotected electrical equipment and electrostatic hazards. Testing should be performed, as far as practicable, under an electrically safe ventilation hood.
Commercial propane or commercial butane in liquid form can cause cold burns to the skin. Protective clothing such as gloves and goggles should be worn if contact with the skin is likely to occur. Sec also AS/N/S 1596.
Unnecessary inhalation of commercial propane or commercial butane vapour should he avoided. The operator should not be exposed to levels of airborne vapour exceeding those exposure limits set by National Occupational Health and Safety (NOIISC). One of the tests described in this Standard involves the operator inhaling a mixture of air and commercial propane or commercial butane vapour, and particular attention is drawn to the cautionary statenien in Table 1 Note 9.
NOTE: The occupational exposure limits set out in the latest edition of NOHSC’s Nagional Exposure Standards /or Atmospheric (‘ontuminanlx in he Occupational Environment, should be observed.
For all test methods, sampling shall be carried out from the liquid phase in accordance with the procedures described for liquefied gases in ISO 4257. All sample containers used shall he fitted with two valves and an ullage tube, as described in ISO 4257.AS 4670-2006 pdf free download.

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