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AS 4700.1.2.4-2014 pdf free download
AS 4700.1.2.4-2014 pdf free download.Implementation of Health Level Seven ( HL7 ) Version 2.4 Part 1.2.4 : Patient administration.
6.3 Trigger eent
Action that takes place in an application, based on some predefined condition such as an admission, ward transfer, placement of an order. etc. The action usually results in the compilation and transmission of a data message.
6.4 Visit
The hospital stay from the date of admission to the date of discharge, for an admitted patient visit. For a non-admitted patient visit, the attendance for which one or more services are provided to that patient.
7.1 Cenerl
It is assumed that transactions will only be produced by sending systems after satisfying the relevant validation checks within each system and, therefore, confirming that data integrity is maintained. The trigger events are described in Clauses 7.3 to 7.64 and all are served by the ADT unsolicited update and the ACK response. A19 trigger events are served by a QRY query and an ADR (ADT response) reply.
It is recognized that different healthcare systems use different definitions of admitted patient. non-admitted patient, emergency room and recurring patient types, or handle these patients differently. Thereibre, trigger events are not defined as specific to any patient type. The patient type for any visit-related information shall be specified in the patient class data clement (see PVI-2) to enable each system to handle the transaction properly.
This means that both the trigger event code and the patient class should he checked in order to determine how to handle the transaction. If a certain patient class can sometimes be assigned to a bed, for example, ‘observation’ patients, then the Assigned Patient Location field (see PV1-3) should also be checked.
L3oth admitted and non-admitted patient trigger events are generated using most of the same trigger event codes. The meaning or interpretation of the trigger event depends on the type of patient—for example, inpatient or outpatient, as defined in fiLl Table 0004 Path’ni class used in field PVI-2.
The information that is included in any of these trigger event transactions can be more than the minimum necessary to accommodate the trigger event. Any data elements that are in the data segments listed for the message can be used, and as many or as few data elements as are agreed upon during implementation can he used. The A08 trigger event should he used to update data elements that arc not necessarily related to any of the other trigger events. The action to be taken, if additional data elements are supplied which are not specifically related to the trigger event, should also he agreed Ofl prior to implementation.AS 4700.1.2.4-2014 pdf free download.
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