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AS 4755-2007 pdf free download

AS 4755-2007 pdf free download.Framework for demand response capabilities and supporting technologies for electrical products.
This Section sets out the functionalities that should be addressed in relation to electrical products with demand response capability or in relation to demand response enabling devices. Refer also to Figure I.
The framework may be applied
(a) an electrical product:
(b) a demand response enabling device: or
(c) an electrical product and a demand response enabling device.
The framework identities an electrical product or combination and describes eight key capabilities of that electrical product or combination, using the following functionality descriptors:
I The electrical product. device or combination supporting demand response.
2 Activation.
3 Configuration.
4 User override.
5 Initiation of demand response.
6 Demand response.
7 Termination of demand response.
8 Information to user.
9 Information to remote agent.
Additional descriptors may also be used if required to describe the demand response capabilities of an electrical product or combination.
The categories under each functionality are not necessarily mutually exclusive. An electrical product. demand response enabling device or combination may be capable of more than one category of functionality.
2.3.1 The electrical products device or combination supporting demand response
The framework may apply to any of the following categories of electrical product. demand response enabling device or combination of product and device (see Figure 1):
(a) Integral—An electrical product in which the demand response enabling device is integral. No external deniand response enabling device is required.
(b) User-insia!lable—The demand response enabling device is supplied separately from the electrical product and does not need to be installed by a qualified person.
There are two categories of device:
(i) Product specfic.
(ii) Non product specific—For example a device that plugs into a fixed socket- outlet, and acts by interrupting the electrical supply to the electrical product.
NOTE: This category of device will be effective in supporting demand response if the electrical product to be controlled is suitable. Products such as pumps. for example. may be adequately controlled by a demand response enabling device with a simple on”off function. For other products such as air conditioners the demand response enabling device may need to be configurable to have a minimum off time so that compressors are not restarted against high head pressures.
(c) Non user-insiallahk—The demand response enabling device is supplied separately from the electrical product and shall be installed by a qualified person.
There are two categories of device:
(i) Product specific.
(ii) Non product specific.
NOTE: Examples that illustrate the concepts in Clauses 2.3.2 to 2.3.9 are given in Appendix A.AS 4755-2007 pdf free download.

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