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AS 6000-2009 pdf free download

AS 6000-2009 pdf free download.Organic and biodynamic products.
2.1.1 General principles
(a) The basic am, of an operator should he w achieve optimum quantities of quality product. while enhancing th susiainahilit of natural agriculture resources.
(b) The aim outlined above is achieved through organic nanagemen( practices. which create soils of enhanced biological activily. as indicated by the hunus level. cru,nh structure and feeder root development, such that plants are fed through the soil ecosystem, and not principalli h’ adding soluble fertilisers to the soil.
(c) Plasits grown in natural systems take uis nutrients i/sat are released slowly from humus colloids, at a rate governed by sun light and warmth. Under such a stc,n, metabolism of the plant and its ahiliiv to assimilate nutrients is not over—stressed by excessive uptake of soluble salts froni the soil water (e.g. nitrates). Therefore the developnient of soil structure and humus is fundamental to organic and hiodvnamic’ syslems.
(d) Organic and hiodynamic svsle,ns relt’ upon crop rotation, use of residual crops. animal manures, legumes, green manures, mechanical cultivation, cultural control, minimal application of approved mineral—hearing rocks and aspects of biological pest management to maintain sod productivity and lilt/u, to supph’ plant nutrients and w control diseases. insects, ‘eeds and other pests.
(e) The provision of organically grown feed and livestock husbandry practices that reflect the behavioural needs, ethical treatnieni and welfare managemeizi of livestock are also of fundamental importance where animals are kept on the [am,,
2.1.2 Requirements The requirdnwnts of this Standard shall be applied to the land for not less ilian three years before products can be labelled as organic or ‘biodynamic’. Only inputs listed in Appendix II shall he permitted. The use of prohibited substances or treatments shall make the product ineligible for labelling under this Standard. Where a government authority implements a statutory action plan and prohibited substances and/or treatments not consistent with this Standard are applied, not less than 12 months shall elapse before affected products of that farm. or products of afTected areas. shall be labelled as ‘organic’ and ‘hiodynamic’. Relevant testing of products may be required before any ‘organic’ or biodynamic’ status is regained. Products derived from gene technology or nano technology shall not be used in organic managenlent practices. Pesticides produced from synthetic chemicals shall not be used.AS 6000-2009 pdf free download.

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